The annual Festival of the Senses is helping Llandeilo go all hi-tech.
The festival organisers have helped establish a town centre wi-fi service.
And they are getting ready to launch a special App for the Festival of the Senses, which runs from November 16-18
“We want Llandeilo to be in the vanguard of the technological revolution,’ said organising committee member Christoph Fischer.
“Gone are the days when people might think of Llandeilo as being a sleepy rural backwater with no access to the worldwide web.
“We are striving to make sure we have up-to-date 21st century facilities in a beautiful Georgian and Victorian landscape.”
The wi-fi service is already up and running, with booster boxes having been fitted to many town centre shop-fronts.
You can access it at Llandeilo WiFi on your mobile phone, tablet and laptop.
The wi-fi has been set up by Newcastle Emlyn-based Telemat IT.
Up to 80 per cent of the costs are covered by the Government and Carmarthenshire Council.
Up to 20 per cent of the costs are put up by the Festival of the Senses.
Mr Fischer said: “The festival has made a profit over the years and we have been able to invest in valuable infrastructure. We think this is a great boost for Llandeilo and helps make it an even more attractive place to visit. At the end of a two-year period, we are hoping that Llandeilo Town Council and local businesses band together to keep it running.”
Meanwhile, the festival organisers have been working with Cardiff-based App Monkeys to develop an App for the event in November.
Mr Fischer added: “It is still in development, but it will be ready in time for the festival. It will be menu driven and will provide festival updates and information on events and ‘stop press’ details, such as the latest situation with park and ride services.
“Businesses featured on the app will have a ‘click to call or locate’ service.
“Our hope is that it develops further from an App for the festival to one which provides information for the whole town, throughout the year.”
When it is up and running it should also be featured on the Llandeilo website –
The three-day Festival of the Senses is a weekend of food, fun, entertainment and shopping opportunities – an event which signals the start of the build-up to Christmas in West Wales.
The festival has been running since 2008 and picked up a Carmarthenshire Tourism Association award in 2017.
The festival is the largest event of its kind in Carmarthenshire.
Last year, thousands of visitors and locals flocked to Llandeilo to enjoy the gastronomic delicacies of local and far-away produce.
Visitors danced to the music performed on the stage, gazed in awe at the colourful firework display and were delighted to see Santa and start their Christmas shopping experience.
This year will see a Farmer’s Market in the town centre, behind the Surgery, White Horse pub and NFU offices. There will be fresh and local produce from the Llandeilo Country Market, Black Mountain Food Hub and others.
The Festival of the Senses is a big draw for the way it fits snugly inside Llandeilo town centre.
The festival encompasses the town’s shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants, as well as offering craft and fashion stalls, food stalls, buskers, entertainment and much more.
Festival opening times are:
16th – 11am – 9.30pm
17th – 10am – 6pm
18th – 10am – 4pm
Links –
You can keep in touch with the Festival of the Senses via the social media Hashtag #FoS2018
Twitter –
Facebook –
and the Facebook event page –
About Appmonkeys:
We help small to medium businesses grow. Appmonkeys are a team of dedicated, passionate individuals working alongside business owners to increase customer engagement and loyalty. We design and develop tailor made mobile apps bursting with features that your customers will Love to use.
Get in touch with us to find out more – 02922 402 639 | and on Twitter @appmonkeysuk
About Telemat IT:
Telemat have been providing IT support and related services to businesses throughout Wales for more than 18 years. We pride ourselves in the fact that many of our customers have been with us from the very beginning. Our clients are organisations ranging from start-ups to large established businesses, charities and the public sector and we deliver a complete suite of IT technical support at affordable rates to suit your business needs and budget.
We are proud that we are able to offer a fully bilingual service. It is important to us that our customers have the opportunity to discuss their requirements in the language of their choice. Our skilled bilingual technicians have extensive experience in planning and implementing network and server infrastructures, as well as the implementation of and migration to Cloud based technologies.
Website – Twitter @TelematICT
Mae’r Ŵyl y Synhwyrau blynyddol yn helpu Llandeilo i fynd yn gyfan gwbl uwch-dechnoleg.
Mae trefnwyr yr ŵyl wedi helpu i sefydlu gwasanaeth wi-fi yng nghanol y dref.
Ac maent yn barod i lawnsio App arbennig ar gyfer yr Ŵyl y Senses, sy’n rhedeg o Dachwedd 16-18
“Rydyn ni am i Llandeilo fod ar flaen y gad o’r chwyldro technolegol,” meddai’r aelod o’r pwyllgor trefnu Christoph Fischer.
“Wedi mynd mae’r dyddiau pan feddyliai pobl bod Llandeilo fel cefnwlad gwledig cysglyd heb fynediad i’r wê fyd-eang.
“Rydym yn ymdrechu i sicrhau bod gennym gyfleusterau diweddaraf o’r 21fed ganrif mewn tirlun Georwraidd a Fictoraidd hardd.”
Mae’r gwasanaeth wi-fi eisoes ar waith, gyda blychau atgyfnerthu wedi’u gosod i nifer o flaen siopau canol y dref.
Gallwch ei ddefnyddio yn Llandeilo WiFi ar eich ffôn symudol, tabled a laptop.
Mae’r wi-fi wedi’i sefydlu gan Telemat IT sy’n seiliedig ar Newcastle Emlyn.
Mae hyd at 80 y cant o’r costau yn cael eu talu gan y Llywodraeth a Chyngor Sîr Gâr.
Cyfraniwyd hyd at 20 y cant o’r costau gan Ŵyl y Synhwyrau.
Dywedodd Mr Fischer: “Mae’r ŵyl wedi gwneud elw dros y blynyddoedd ac rydym wedi gallu buddsoddi mewn seilwaith gwerthfawr. Credwn fod hwn yn hwb gwych i Llandeilo ac yn ei gwneud fwy deniadol i ymweld â hi. Ar ddiwedd cyfnod o ddwy flynedd, rydym yn gobeithio y bydd Cyngor Tref Llandeilo a busnesau lleol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i’w gadw. ”
Yn y cyfamser, mae trefnwyr yr ŵyl wedi bod yn gweithio gydag App Monkeys yng Nghaerdydd i ddatblygu App ar gyfer y digwyddiad ym mis Tachwedd.
Ychwanegodd Mr Fischer: “Mae’n dal i gael ei ddatblygu, ond bydd yn barod ar gyfer yr ŵyl. Bydd yn cael ei yrru trwy fwydlen a bydd yn darparu diweddariadau i’r ŵyl a gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a manylion ‘stopio’r wasg’, megis y sefyllfa ddiweddaraf gyda gwasanaethau parcio a theithio.
“Bydd gan fusnesau sy’n ymddangos ar yr app wasanaeth ‘cliciwch i alw neu leoli’.
“Ein gobaith yw y bydd yn datblygu ymhellach o App ar gyfer yr ŵyl i un sy’n darparu gwybodaeth ar gyfer y dref gyfan, trwy gydol y flwyddyn.”
Pan fydd yn rhedeg, dylai hefyd gael ei gynnwys ar wefan Llandeilo –
Mae’r ŵyl wedi bod yn rhedeg ers 2008 ac wedi ennill gwobr Cymdeithas Twristiaeth Sîr Gâr yn 2017.
Yr ŵyl yw’r digwyddiad mwyaf o’i fath yn Sîr Gâr.
Y llynedd, heidiodd miloedd o ymwelwyr a phobl i Llandeilo i fwynhau danteithion cynnyrch gastronig lleol a phell.
Dawnsiodd ymwelwyr i’r gerddoriaeth a berfformiwyd ar y llwyfan, synfyfyrio ar yr arddangosfa tân gwyllt lliwgar ac roeddent wrth eu boddau yn gweld Siôn Corn a dechrau eu profiad siopa Nadolig.
Eleni bydd Marchnad Ffermwyr yng nghanol y dref, y tu ôl i’r feddygfa, tafarn White Horse a swyddfeydd NFU. Bydd cynnyrch ffres a lleol o Llandeilo Country Market, Black Mountain Food Hub a mwy.
Mae Gŵyl y Synhwyrau yn atyniad mawr trwy’r ffordd y mae’n ffitio’n glyd tu mewn i ganol tref Llandeilo.
Mae’r ŵyl yn cwmpasu siopau, tafarndai, caffis a bwytai y dref, yn ogystal â chynnig stondinau crefft a ffasiwn, stondinau bwyd, “buskers”, adloniant a llawer mwy.
Amseroedd agor yr ŵyl yw:
16fed – 11yb – 9.30yh
17il – 10yb – 6yh
18fed – 10yb – 4yh
Cysylltiadau –
Gallwch gadw mewn cysylltiad ag Ŵyl y Meddyliau trwy gyfryngau cymdeithasol Hashtag # FoS2018
Twitter –
Facebook –
a’r dudalen digwyddiad Facebook –
Cefndir Appmonkeys:
Rydym yn helpu busnesau bach i ganolig i dyfu. Mae Appmonkeys yn dîm o unigolion ymroddedig, angerddol sy’n gweithio ochr yn ochr â pherchnogion busnes i gynyddu ymrwymiad â chwsmeriaid a theyrngarwch. Rydym yn dylunio a datblygu apps yn benodol at ffôn symudol sy’n byrlumu â nodweddion y bydd eich cwsmeriaid yn hoffi a’u defnyddio.
Cysylltwch â ni i gael gwybod mwy – 02922 402 639 | ac ar Twitter @appmonkeysuk
Amdanom Telemat IT:
Mae Telemat wedi bod yn darparu cymorth Technoleg Gwybodaeth (IT) a gwasanaethau cysylltiedig i fusnesau ledled Cymru ers dros 18 mlynedd. Rydym yn ymfalchïo yn y ffaith bod llawer o’n cwsmeriaid wedi bod gyda ni ers cychwyn cyntaf. Mae ein cleientiaid yn sefydliadau sy’n amrywio o fusnesau sy’n cychwyn i fusnesau sefydledig, elusennau a’r sector cyhoeddus, ac rydym yn darparu cyfres gyflawn o gymorth technegol TG(IT) ar gyfraddau fforddiadwy sy’n gweddu i anghenion a chyllideb eich busnes.
Rydym yn falch ein bod yn gallu cynnig gwasanaeth cwbl ddwyieithog. Mae’n bwysig inni fod ein cwsmeriaid yn cael y cyfle i drafod eu gofynion yn yr iaith o’u dewis. Mae gan ein technegwyr dwyieithog medrus brofiad helaeth wrth gynllunio a gweithredu is-strwythr rhwydwaith a gwasanaethwyr, yn ogystal â gweithredu ac ymfudiad i dechnolegau sy’n seiliedig ar Cloud.
Gwefan – Twitter @TelematICT