Thankyou to our volunteers

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We aren’t really sure where to start with this one… our volunteers.

Everyone who organises, helps, stewards, moves, lifts, runs, dresses as elves and even the big man himself does so on a completely unpaid, voluntary basis. Many of whom that have volunteered this weekend are currently making their way back to their usual jobs after a mammoth weekend shift.
We have moved hundreds of traffic cones and people barriers, put up and taken down more signs than I care remember, smiled relentlessly, giggled through the difficult bits and walked marathons but not strayed from our lovely little town…
None of if would be possible without our incredible band of people that are willing to help. A thank you isnt big enough for what you do. Sincerely, this wouldn’t be possible without you.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, you’re incredible. ♥️
Cariad, Holly x